Henderson Portrait Photographer

Henderson Portrait Photographer As a Henderson portrait photographer I generally don’t do a lot of black and white photography because I am personally so drawn to the pops of color I find through out our Las Vegas valley. I had to make an exception for a couple of these photos as I was editing them… Continue reading Henderson Portrait Photographer

Family Portraits

Family Portraits Family portraits are always a good little way to keep me on my toes! Children can have you running from one place to another in a hurry just to get the shot so it’s always a pleasant surprise when the little ones are just perfect little models without me having to chase them! These… Continue reading Family Portraits

Las Vegas Family Photographer

Las Vegas Family Photographer Las Vegas Family Photographer of Marie Grantham Photography Captures this truly amazing vintage themed custom portrait family photo session this one is a must see! So thank goodness I am finally getting around to posting these! The little toddler boy wearing the brown vest is my little guy Jaxen! The other… Continue reading Las Vegas Family Photographer

Las Vegas Newborn Portrait Photographer

Las Vegas Newborn Portrait Photographer Being a Las Vegas Newborn Portrait Photographer I get the opportunity to photograph so many tiny little ones! This time it was extra special for me because this was my own little mini me! Baby Ashlynn Kate Grantham was born Aug 2, 2014 and weighed 7lbs and 13 oz. She… Continue reading Las Vegas Newborn Portrait Photographer

Traveling Photographer

Traveling Photographer I always think that being a traveling photographer would be so fun! After that thought it’s usually followed well i’d have to bring my family with me or I couldn’t do it would probably miss the heck out of them lol! So these photos I took one our trip to Huntington Beach in California!… Continue reading Traveling Photographer