Henderson Maternity Portrait Photographer

Henderson Maternity Portrait Photographer Being a henderson maternity portrait photographer I try to pick different locations for my clients that not all their friends get photographed in! It’s fun to keep it new and fresh for them! So many times I find myself having to remember they are in awe of this location so take… Continue reading Henderson Maternity Portrait Photographer

Las Vegas Maternity Photographer

Las Vegas Maternity Photographer Being a Las Vegas maternity photographer I am fortunate enough to have the chance to photograph many expecting couples! Something I truly love being a part of! When I first booked Tabitha for her maternity session she had asked me to photograph her maternity portrait session as well as her newborn… Continue reading Las Vegas Maternity Photographer

Henderson Newborn Photographer

Henderson Newborn Photographer   I have done many newborn portrait sessions as a henderson newborn photographer but this one happens to be one of my favorites! Little baby Cole is just too cute. I am just in love with him and all his photos! This little one is going to be a heart breaker for… Continue reading Henderson Newborn Photographer

Family Photographer Henderson

Family Photographer Henderson   This session is just proof that there is so much fun to be had being a Family photographer Henderson!  I had so much fun shooting these portraits for Pam, Brian and baby Emma! Surprisingly enough we where actually able to prop Emma up well enough in that teal wooden bucket to… Continue reading Family Photographer Henderson

Henderson Newborn Photographer

Henderson Newborn Photographer Henderson Newborn photographers are so lucky… We get to meet and welcome so many tiny new little ones into the world and capture the first week of their lives! Sounds pretty neat when you think about it like that! Child and newborn photography are two genres that are so easy to love for me! Who’s… Continue reading Henderson Newborn Photographer