Must Haves For Your Newborn Baby
Las Vegas Newborn baby photographer takes photo of baby sleeping in a newborn wagon baby prop
Search for a Newborn Photographer Near Me! I know this seems crazy in such a busy time. However just remember how fast the time flies with a newborn baby. More often than not the first few weeks are filled with sleepless nights, visiting family and friends, trying to balance the attention between siblings and new baby, and for some just the struggles of trying to find your own way and what works for you and your new little one! That is is so easy to forget to document these firsts through photographs. That is why searching for a newborn photographer near me is one of the most important, these will ensure you can hold onto these moments forever!
Congratulations on your new (or soon to be new) bundle of joy! Motherhood can be scary. No matter how many times you have participated in this parenting rodeo, it is always changing. I mean ALWAYS changing. It can be overwhelming–specially in the first 100 days.
Here are some of the must haves to help you get through those first newborn baby days!
Newborn Baby Photo by Marie Grantham Photography in Las Vegas, Nv baby is asleep in “froggy pose”
A camera and a baby book/journal. Time flies SO fast those first hundred days of a baby’s life. A camera will help you document all of the moments you do not want to forget. If you don’t own a good camera to capture these moments professionally search for a newborn photographer near me to help create beautiful custom newborn portraits. This is so worth it to capture the unique vision of a true newborn photography professional. A baby book/journal or a life book is even better. You can store those photos with your thoughts–creating a more vivid memory of the memories. If you prefer electronic, there are so many apps that allow you to do this. Besides, we all know that sometimes a phone is the quickest way to document the current adorable thing your baby is doing.
A white noise machines are awesome to help sooth your newborn baby. Recent scientific discoveries have shown that a mother’s womb is very NOISY. (Who knew?) Sometimes absolute silence is more unsettling for a baby than it is soothing. Cue the white noise machine. This is like sleeping pills for most babies. It’s insane. I mean, instantaneous naps. Don’t want to purchase a machine? Look for apps on your phone. There are a multitude of different ones in the app store, ranging from free to five or six bucks. White noise has been the best friend of many new moms, especially while baby is acclimating to life outside the womb those first hundred days.
A baby carrier. Babies just want to be close to their parents. Baby carriers are a great way to ensure this closeness. They are also a great way to accomplish anything and everything–from playing with your other children to cleaning to grocery shopping. An added bonus of wearing your babe, wraps and slings have this amazing ability to put your kid to sleep. They’re so cozy and warm. It’s another must have item for surviving your first one hundred days postpartum.
Speaking of Postpartum, build up a postpartum care kit. In the hospital, they’ll give you a care kit to take home. USE IT. USE ALL OF IT. The peri bottle will be your best friend. Also, take the time to Google “Sitz bath remedies for postpartum care”. Doulas and midwives swear by herbal sitz baths. Not only do you get some relief down there, but it’s a few moments of relaxation for you, momma. You need it. Trust me. Witch Hazel, Tucks pads, unscented overnight pads, and Colace are also great things to include in your postpartum care kit. If you are nursing, invest in some Lanolin Cream. Your nipples will thank you.
Henderson Newborn Photographer Marie Grantham Photography Captures baby Sleeping with earth tone newborn slouchy beanie on.
Wipes & diapers. This is kind of a no brainer for your first hundred days of newborn survival. You do not realize how many you actually go through though. So, stock up. Also, the nursery may have a great changing table, but have diapers and wipes in every room you spend a lot of time in–bedroom, bathroom, living room. Blowouts happen, fast. You may not have the ability to quickly get to your changing table and after possible c-section or sore after delivery who wants to go upstairs for a diaper!
Last but not least,
Patience. Definitely something you cannot buy, but it is needed for survival. Have patience with your partner; this is an adjustment for them, too. Have patience with your other children, furry or human. They stress out when you stress out. Everything is changing in their worlds. Most importantly, have patience with yourself. The dishes may be piled up; laundry may be every where. The best advice given during postpartum life, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Your life will adjust. The dishes will get done. The laundry will be folded. You need to take care of yourself and your little one. Just have patience.
Breathe, Momma. You’re going to survive the first hundred days before you know it !
To find a Newborn Photographer near me or schedule and appointment with Marie Grantham Photography Click on this link!