Why are High School Senior Photos such a big deal ?
I get this question very often…Why do I need High School Senior Photos? If you’re like me, i’m sure you’ve been buying all the cheesy school pictures since kindergarten! {See toddler photos here} Every year the same grey swirly looking backdrop, ugh. One headshot after another for years, I get them all! My answer to this question is, senior year is a year to celebrate. One of the best ways is by capturing this time with professional portraits definitely something you can not miss!
Senior Year Lets Celebrate!!
There truly is nothing like your senior year of High School. It’s a stage of your life to celebrate and remember all the beautiful memories over the last 4 years! For many teens their senior year is filled with many milestones all equally worth celebrating. It’s also usually their last year with all the friends they grew up with, along with their last year at home! Yes, even if they don’t leave the nest and are still living in your basement at 29 haha trust me it’ll never be the same LOL!
Let Them Spread Their Wings To Fly
This is really the last year of them truly being “under your wings”. It’s the beginning of something great and so exciting…their future! Most young teens will never ever see the world again the way they do today. Thats exactly what senior portraits are about, capturing this special time to remember and document them as they are RIGHT now. So congrats to all the 2019 High School Seniors, this is your year guys lets make it count!
To contact Marie Grantham for your next Senior, Family or Maternity session please click HERE.
Marie Grantham Photography
6295 McLeod Dr Suite 16
Las Vegas, Nv 89120
702-336-1609 or mgranthamphoto@yahoo.com
{Marie Grantham Photography has moved!! This is new the photography studio address… 6295 McLeod Dr Suite 16, Las Vegas, Nv 89120}