Henderson Newborn Photography

Henderson Newborn Photography

Henderson Newborn Photography has quickly risen to the top of my list for favorite sessions of mine! I have been fortunate enough to photograph and share lots of special moments with Kylie and her family though the years. This one is so special because nothing is more beautiful than bringing another little life into this great big world of ours! Harlie Rae Simpson made her big appearance on September 16, 2014 she was 19 inches long and weighed 7 lbs and 2 ounces! As a Henderson Newborn photography I am always trying to figure out which parent my little ones resemble the most! In this case I think baby Harlie is quiet the mix of both and sometimes I even see some of Halo too! Halo was so excited to be in her new baby sister’s photos! I even got a few big smiles out of her Woot Woot! I am so excited for Kendall, Kylie, and Halo there is nothing stronger than the bond with a new baby. As for Halo well she is already asking if her baby sister Harlie can play! Im sure she will have the best time dressing up her baby sister and having princess parties!

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