A few of the reasons I feel college graduation photos are so important are… {See more senior Photo ideas} A lot of people look back on their college years and think they where the best four years of their lives! Whether this is spot on for you, or maybe you feel your college years just fall somewhere in the middle. Im sure you truly have made incredible memories that will last you a lifetime! So to all the college graduating class of 2019, soak up every little bit of time you have left. This is an awesome chapter in your lives that must be remembered!
Why Should You Take College Graduation Photos
Of course a lot of people often say, ” Well I took High School senior photos so I really don’t need college graduation photos just a few years later.” Keep in mind this is a totally different accomplishment then graduating High School. You should be extremely proud of yourself and there is no better way to document and/or display this huge milestone in your life than to take professional graduation photos! Plus it’ll make Mom happy haha!
All The Best Is Yet To Come! ~Mom & Dad
On May 18, 2019 you will be graduating College from UNLV and moving on to a new phase in your life. It’s a surreal and extremely proud moment for Dad and I. Watching over you these last 22 years, We have watched you accomplish so much as a young man.
Your efforts and grades reflect your unwavering dedication to achievement, and your desire for the best life has to offer.
You are my greatest gift. And tho you may see me cry this day, rest assured the tears are full of life, joy, and happy memories. Most of all, my tears are anticipation of the journey that Lies ahead for you. Your life has so much purpose. You are amazing and will accomplish wonderful things. You make your family so proud!
I love you son, don’t ever forget this.
Love, Mom & Dad
Contact Marie to inquire about your next Family, Maternity, or Senior portrait session HERE.
Marie Grantham Photography
2530 Saint Rose Parkway Suite 110
Henderson, Nv 89074
702-336-1609 or mgranthamphoto@yahoo.com